FY2015-16 Proposals due January 16, 2015
Download full CERANR FY2015-16 Call for Proposals
The UW-Consortium for Extension and Research in Agriculture and Natural Resources (CERANR) will make available approximately $125,000 for faculty and staff-led cooperative research for new one or two-year projects for eligible faculty and staff located at UW-Madison, -Platteville, -River Falls, and -Stevens Point for fiscal year 2015-16.
Applications for funding must include at least one UW-Madison faculty member and a faculty member from at least one of the non-Madison CERANR represented colleges or schools as collaborators.
This effort is designed for two purposes. First, the CERANR Deans wish to encourage cooperation and collaboration across institutions and disciplines to help develop synergistic and effective solutions to critical issues. Secondly, the funding is provided to help research cooperators to address critical, emerging and ongoing state research needs for issues that have an impact on our agricultural and natural resource systems.
Eligibility Requirements
- Applications for funding must include at least one UW-Madison faculty member and a faculty member from at least one of the non-Madison CERANR represented colleges or schools as collaborators.
- Principal Investigators must be budgeted with PI status in the agriculture or natural resource units represented in CERANR. CERANR units include: UW-Madison, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, UW-Madison, School of Veterinary Medicine, UW-Platteville, College of Business Industry Life Science and Agriculture; UW-River Falls, College of Agriculture, Food, and Environmental Sciences; and UW-Stevens Point, College of Natural Resources.
- Those faculty or staff who are not budgeted through a CERANR unit may be included as a Co-PI when the proposal includes a CERANR-affiliated PI
- Staff members with Principal Investigator (PI) status may apply for CERANR grant with the approval of their respective supervisor and Dean.
- Faculty/staff PI’s are encouraged to consider including county-based and non-integrated UWEX faculty and staff on projects as team members.
Project Criteria
Projects can be “pilot” in nature to help new or established researchers to collect data and/or demonstrate modest impacts that could lead to larger funded efforts with external funding. Or, they can be small-scale, well-defined projects where an impact is relatively certain but where a larger funded effort is not necessarily the ultimate goal.
Preference will be given to those projects which clearly leverage resources in the form of funding, relationships, facilities, etc.
Additionally, the Consortium will continue to place emphasis upon specific research priorities as in past years. However, the Consortium also encourages submission of other proposals that address agricultural and natural resource issues of concern to Wisconsin.
Consortium Research Priorities for FY2015-16
- Advancing Knowledge that Promotes Economic Development in Support of Local and State Efforts for a Growing and Healthy Bio-based Economy
- Sustainable Agricultural, Forestry and Aquatic Systems (including Communities)
- Plant, Animal, Human, and Ecosystem Health, Biosecurity, Food Safety and Quality
Application Process
Submit proposals using the form provided in the CERANR FY2015-16 Call for Proposals.
Please submit proposals, including all required signatures, as a PDF document to consortium@cals.wisc.edu at the UW-Madison, CALS Research Division by FRIDAY JANUARY 16, 2015.
Proposals should move from faculty/staff up through Department Chairs. Department Chairs should review the proposal(s) and indicate their decision on approval to your Dean or designee, who will then sign on behalf of your college or school prior to submission. Proposals without approved signatures from all Deans’ or Deans’ designees will not be accepted for review. The official list of Deans’ designees will be determined by each CERANR institution.
Please direct all inquiries to Michell Sass, (608) 265-9534 or msass@cals.wisc.edu.